The Hub delivers a diverse range of biomass, bioenergy and bioproducts research projects from fundamental science to engineering challenges, social responses to technologies, the economic context and policy development.
Flexible funding is available to Hub partner organisations. Check the Hub partner page for a list of our partners.
Institutes receiving flexible funding must be partners of the Supergen Bioenergy Hub and sign the accession agreement to the Hub’s new consortium agreement before returning their acceptance letter. Non-partners applying for funding are required to submit an institutional application for review and approval by the Supergen Bioenergy Hub Project Management Group simultaneously with their proposal application.
Funded projects will be impact-focused and consider how they engage with and enrich Hub activities and communities.
We will hold annual funding calls. The priorities for these will be set by our Project Management Group, in liaison with the Advisory Board and a wider network of stakeholders through a new industry forum.
Extraordinary flexible funding call: Bio-based chemicals and materials
This Call is now closed.
Extraordinary Flexible Funding Call_November 2024
Please email our Supergen Bioenergy Hub Project Manager Rakhi Parmar at for any queries or information related to the Call.

Travel and research exchange bursaries
Funding is available to SHARE members to support research-related travel and subsistence, either for research dissemination and presentation of results papers and posters at conferences, or to conduct a research exchange with industry or another academic institution to broaden or add to your research scope. Applications will be assessed by SHARE Committee and members of the Project Management Group, with decisions made as quickly as possible.
For more information, please contact our Project Manager, Rakhi Parmar:
Secondment funding
Companies and early career researchers interested in carrying out secondment projects should discuss their ideas initially before approaching the hub. Both ECRs and participating companies need to be hub members to access secondment funding.
For more information, please contact our Project Manager, Rakhi Parmar at
Anonymised applications
Supergen Bioenergy Hub adopts the ASPIRE strategy to encourage diversity in our applications and awards (Accessibility, Screening, Personal Invitation, Reflect and Empower). The awards are intended to empower researchers to develop and deliver impact with their research.
In line with our accessibility commitment, applications are welcomed from all UK academic and research staff regardless of age, career stage, contract status, etc. To minimise risks of bias in the process, we will screen reviewers from the names, departments and institutes of applicants. However, a key focus of this call is developing effective industry, policy and international collaborations, so full details of all external partners should be given, and relevant institutional capability or experience can be described. It is understood that this may in some cases unavoidably identify an individual or institute, but we request that applicants abide by the spirit of this principle by focusing on the activity rather than the researchers. In addition, we emphasise that track record is not part of the assessment criteria.
For more information, please contact our Project Manager, Rakhi Parmar at