Bioenergy in the EU: Converting policies into impacts

Bioenergy in the EU: Converting policies into impacts

Agenda – Bioenergy in the EU

Location: Brussels

Date: 6th October

This is the final event to present the results of an impact assessment (“Review of bioenergy projects implemented under IEE II”) performed on the 47 bioenergy project supported under the European programme Intelligent Energy – Europe in its second phase (IEE II,

The event is organised by the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) of the European Commission and the company that has performed the impact assessment, Ricardo Energy & Environment.

During  the event the results of the impact assessment will be presented, some success stories of bioenergy projects identified during the impact assessment will be showcased and representatives of still on-going/recently ended IEE II bioenergy projects will present their successful experience. Two Panel discussions involving representatives from DG Agriculture and Rural Development, DG Energy, DG Environment, DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs and DG Research and Innovation (RTD) are also foreseen. The European policy development in relation to bioenergy will be discussed, as well as how the outcomes of IEE II bioenergy projects could be useful to policy makers.

The target groups of the event are both bioenergy stakeholders (e.g. biomass suppliers, bioenergy producers, biomass users from different competing sectors, etc.) who can draw lessons and hopefully replicate what worked well and act as multipliers of the impacts and achievements presented, and policy makers who can see how bioenergy market uptake actions can have an impact, what worked better, what are the main challenges and what can be the achievements.

In order to register please send an email to Sheena Newell (Ricardo Energy & Environment):

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