Biomass and Energy Crops V – register now.

The Bedford Hotel, Brussels, Belgium

20-22 October 2015


Identifying the most appropriate uses of biomass to ensure delivery of the greatest benefit is a key objective of current research. This requires evaluation of biomass and energy crops, conversion technologies, use of by-products and the development of integrated management systems. This research complements efforts to ensure biomass products remain competitive in a volatile market. As attention increasingly shifts towards deployment of biomass in Europe, this conference provides a timely opportunity to exchange ideas and foster closer collaboration and mutual understanding to identify how we can most effectively use biomass as one means of reducing dependence on fossil fuels. The conference provides an ideal forum for stakeholders to meet and discuss future research. The conference is being scheduled to coincide with the conclusion of two EU funded Framework 7 projects. Rokwood ( is focused on the future policy framework, R&D projects and international co-operation for short rotation woody crops. LogistEC ( aims to develop new or improved logistics and supply chain technologies. In addition, the conference is being co-sponsored by SUPERGEN Bioenergy Hub ( which brings together industry, academia and other stakeholders to increase sustainable bioenergy deployment in the UK.

The 3 day conference taking place at the end of October includes presentations from Glaucia Mendes Souza (University of Sao Paulo), Tim Volk (University in Syracuse, New York), Gustav Melin (European Biomass Association), Rebecca Heaton (Drax), Adam Brown (IEA), Nilay Shah (Imperial College) and hub director Professor Patricia Thornley among others. A full programme can be found here.

The registration fee is £375 for the 3 day conference (includes conference dinner). To register please click here.

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