Explore a world of Global Bioenergy Stories®

Global Bioenergy Stories® is an outreach activity funded by the Supergen Bioenergy Hub engaging with young people and local communities across the globe, raising awareness of bioenergy and gathering the visions and opinions of what a sustainable energy looks like to future generations.

Run by a team of bioenergy researchers at Aston University’s Energy and Bioproducts Research Institute (EBRI), Global Bioenergy Stories® has been working with teachers and artists in the UK, India, Rwanda and the Philippines to deliver interactive workshops with videos and visualisation tools, creating a series of unique illustrations representing young people’s visions and thoughts on this important topic.

Visit the new webpage to find out more.

Engaging with younger generations on bioenergy is key as approximately 25% of the global population are younger than 15 years and about 16% are 15 to 24 years old. Recent climate change youth movements have shown emphatically that we cannot make decisions about the transition to a low-carbon and sustainable society without including the experiences and visions of younger generations.

Global Bioenergy Stories® provides scientific information in an accessible way about sustainable energy systems in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. This information has collated by the team of bioenergy researchers and made into a resource pack containing videos, workshop plans and powerpoints ready to be picked up and delivered in any school, workplace, and community across the globe!

Mirjam Roeder, Project Leader, GBES, Aston University said:

“Global Bioenergy Stories® is not just a project; it’s a journey into the future of sustainable energy, guided by the voices and visions of the next generation. As project leader, I am inspired by the collaborative efforts of our team at EBRI, along with our dedicated partners in the UK, India, Rwanda, and the Philippines. Our mission is clear – to engage, educate, and empower young minds worldwide on the significance of bioenergy on other renewables. The compelling stories and unique illustrations crafted through interactive workshops reflect the aspirations of a sustainable tomorrow.”

Visit the resource centre to download the pack and join the Global Bioenergy Stories® community!

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