1. Introduction
A key activity of IBioIC is the support of industrially relevant PhD Projects that bring biotechnology closer to industrialization. IBioIC currently manage a PhD portfolio of IBioIC and BBSRC funded projects, delivered as part of our Collaborative Training Partnership (CTP). All IBioIC project applications are assessed by way of competition. The call for PhD Projects commencing October 2019 is now open (closing 1st October 2018 at noon).
2. Criteria for PhD Projects
The number of PhD Projects to be awarded in this sixth IBioIC PhD competition are as follows:
• BBSRC funded CTP studentships: 14
• IBioIC funded CTP studentships: 6
Outline entry criteria for both funding sources include:
- Studentship must be 4 years in duration.
- The project topic must align with one or more of the five major themes of IBioIC
- The project must demonstrate industrial relevance by the innovative use or application of biotechnology.
- The project must be championed and led by an IBioIC HEI Partner (BBSRC and IBioIC funded) or N8 University (BBSRC funded projects only).
- The project must be supported by at least one Industrial Partner who will commit to becoming an IBioIC paid member by the start of the studentship.
- The Industrial Partner must commit to providing a 3 to 12 month industrial placement directly relevant to the PhD project.
- The student will participate fully in IBioIC’s CTP training programme
For full entry criteria, refer to the downloadable file ‘IBioIC PhD Competition_1920 Final’ located to here: http://www.ibioic-ctp.com/opportunities/i2689/ibioic_collaborative_training_partnership_ctp_phd_programme_call_for_projects_6.aspx
3. Value and Funding
The funding available will differ dependent on which funding stream is applied for. Applicants can apply to one or both of the available funding streams if the funding criteria are met. In summary, the funding avaliable is as follows:
- BBSRC funded projects: BBSRC will cover full studentships costs in relation to RCUk fees and stipend with a £5000 per year RTSG.
- IBioIC funded projects: IBioIC will cover up to 50% of the full studentship costs in relation to RCUK fees and stipend including a £5000 consumables, travel and training annual budget.
There are restrictions relating to both funding streams. Please refer to ‘IBioIC PhD Competition_1920 Final’ for details prior to submitting an application, this can be found here.
4. How to enter
In order to enter this competition, the Project Lead should submit the entry form (‘IBioIC Project #6_FINAL’) and relevant funding spreadsheet(s) to the IBioIC Skills Team (skills@ibioic.com) before 1st October 2018 (12 noon). Please refer to downloadable file ‘IBioIC PhD Competition_1920 Final’ for detailed information related to sumissions, this can be found here.