Launch of extraordinary flexible funding call on bio-based chemicals and materials
*This Call is now closed*
We have launched an extraordinary flexible funding call to provide a specific capability and activity within the Supergen Bioenergy Hub, focused on an identified gap around bio-based chemicals and materials.
For more information and to apply, download the call document below.
Extraordinary Flexible Funding Call_November 2024
Application deadline: Sunday 8 December 2024 at 23.59 GMT.
About the call
Sustainable bioenergy should be developed alongside other competing demands on biomass resources, including bio-based chemicals and materials. This call is therefore focused on research that will develop scientific and engineering understanding of the potential of bio-based chemicals and materials in the UK and global marketplaces. This extends to incorporate consideration of appropriate feedstocks, processes, product properties, sustainability and socio-economics. Work can be laboratory based, modelling or field-based and can incorporate the Hub’s existing frameworks for integrating public, policy, professional and industrial perspectives. Applicants should indicate their research aim and objectives, methodological approach and key outputs. Particular focus should be given to how those outputs will deliver impacts, as this is a requirement for UKRI funding of the Hub. Applicants should clearly identify key stakeholders with whom they will collaborate to deliver research outcomes and impact.
The objective of this call is to extend and expand the work we have already funded to incorporate a research strand on bio-based chemicals and materials. The scope of research proposed should complement rather than duplicate existing Hub research. Further information on the scope of our existing research can be found on our website.
Successful applicants will be expected to become partners of the Supergen Bioenergy Hub and to participate in the management and administration of the Hub as a full co-investigator, with delivery responsibility for all aspects of their proposed project and joint responsibility for other aspects of Hub activities, including community engagement, industry, policy and professional engagement, and working with other Hub research partners, as well as mentoring and supporting Hub colleagues.
The successfully funded project will be impact focused and consider how it engages with and enriches Hub activities and communities.
The funding is available to UK academic institutions eligible to receive UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) research funding. Proposals can request up to £270,000 funding for one project based at one UK research organisation (multiple academic partners are not permitted). In addition, it is expected that proposals should deliver appropriate leveraged funding from non-UKRI sources. This leverage (in cash or kind) should be described in the proposal.
We expect to fund one project. Researchers based at existing core Hub partners (University of Glasgow, Imperial College London, Aston University, University of Southampton, University of Strathclyde and University of Sheffield) are not eligible for this call as the call is intended to expand the institutional capability and geographical reach of the Hub.
How to apply
Download and complete the call document below and return it to Supergen Bioenergy Hub Project Manager Rakhi Parmar at no later than Sunday 8 December 2024 at 23.59 GMT.
Extraordinary Flexible Funding Call_November 2024_final 1
Information webinar
We held an information webinar for potential applicants on 20 November 2024, hosted by Director Patricia Thornley. The slides and recording from this webinar are available below, along with FAQs.
Extraordinary flex funding webinar slides Nov 2024
Hub activities
Where can I find information on the core funded projects?
Please visit the research pages.
Where can find information about the stakeholder forums?
Please visit the stakeholder forums page.
Where can I find information on the recently awarded flexible funding projects?
Details of the recipients for our flexible funding call for projects focused on using sustainable biomass to produce chemicals and materials are here.
How can I check if I am eligible to apply for funding?
The funding is available to UK academic institutes eligible to receive research funding. To check if you are eligible for research and innovation funding please check UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) funding eligiblity.
Researchers based at existing core Hub partners (University of Glasgow, University of Sheffield, Imperial College London, Aston University, University of Southampton, University of Strathclyde and University of Surrey) are not eligible for this call as the call is intended to expand the institutional capability and geographical reach of the Hub.
How can my institution become a partner of the Hub?
Institutes receiving flexible funding must be or become partners of the Supergen Bioenergy Hub and sign the accession agreement to the Hub’s new collaboration agreement before returning their acceptance letter. If your institution is not currently a partner, you are required to submit an institutional application for review and approval by the Supergen Bioenergy Hub Project Management Group simultaneously with your proposal application. You can download the application form from our partners page.
Project partners
Does the industry partner have to be UK based?
The main applicant must be a UK researcher, but they can subcontract work overseas and/or overseas groups can join with their own funding, providing the “non-UKRI” match funding.
Is it acceptable to have partners outside of the UK?
Yes, this is acceptable but they must be subcontracted to your institution as we cannot pay them directly from UKRI funding. For international partners you will need to demonstrate that relevant responsible research and innovation checks have been undertaken by your institution.
What are the T&Cs around intellectual property and commercialisation for projects with industry partners?
Full terms and conditions are in our collaboration agreement, a copy of which can be requested by contacting our Hub Project Manager Rakhi Parmar on
Can you help me to put my application together?
From an equality perspective and in fairness to all applicants, we cannot offer support to individuals. Information on how to apply can be found in the call document, along with the application form.
Extraordinary Flexible Funding Call_November 2024
Can I check if my project idea would be considered before submitting my application?
Yes, this is possible. Our website shows our areas of research and the lead person who you can contact by email to check if your project is in scope. Please ensure you copy in when contacting members of the team. Please note that we can check the scope of your project, but we cannot check your application before submission.
Is there a word limit for the application?
There is no official word limit. However, we request that applicants keep their answers concise.
Am I expected to have leverage in my application?
The Hub is expecting to raise a significant amount of leveraged funding during its lifetime. We are ideally looking for one-to-one leverage. Contributions can be financial or in-kind and must be clearly stated on your application.
What if I can’t get my formal letters of support in time for the submission date?
We appreciate this is a short time frame and fully signed letters may not be possible. We would like applicants to include who you will be working with and detail the support or contribution in your application. You must then continue to get the letters of support in place before the end of January. It is important that in your application you fully demonstrate the industry commitment and interest in your work.
Are multiple investigators from the same institution allowed?
We are looking for one investigator who leads the project; any others must be costed in the proposal but there must be only one lead.
Can I work with any of my existing projects and name them in my application?
Yes, please detail these in your application.
How is ability to deliver assessed during a blind review?
This question is evaluated separately. We will review proposals without this question in the first instance, then look at this question once we have ranked the proposals and will be used to confirm that applicants are able to deliver.
What is the expected FTE % for a Lead PI to include the additional activities of the Hub?
We expect this to be 10% and should be costed as such in your application.
When are payments made to the successful institutions?
Payments will be made quarterly.
Is the funding awarded at 80% FEC or 100%?
Projects must be calculated at 100% and awards will be made at 80%. This information will need to be detailed in your application.
Are specialist software licenses eligible for funding?
Yes, they can be included. Please check with your institution on how these are costed.
Do I need to add inflation to our application costings, or does Supergen add this?
We will not add any indexation to awards, you should include inflation when costing but up to the funding limit that has been set.