Latest news, views and events


  • 02 February 2016
  • SHARE research sandpit (April)

    Bioenergy's contribution to achieving strategic environmental targets in a coherent, sustainable and cost-effective manner: challenges in the UK and globally


  • 02 February 2016
  • EUBCE 2016 (June)

    The European Biomass Conference and Exhibition (EUBCE) is a world class annual event which, since 1980, is held at different venues throughout Europe.


  • 02 December 2015
  • Lignofuels 2016 Summit, Munich, Germany 20&21 January

    Following the success of Lignofuels 2015 event in Madrid with the Abengoa demonstration plant site visit, we are delighted to announce that our Lignofuels 2016 Summit will be taking place in Munich, Germany on the 20th and 21st of January 2016.