Recording from webinar on net zero governance in a post-COP26 world, 26 January 2022
Following their on behalf of the Supergen Bioenergy Hub and the University of Nottingham Energy Institute to the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee call for evidence on Net Zero Governance, Alison Mohr and Mirjam Roeder led a webinar interrogating the evidence submitted and discussing their recommendations.
To deliver cross-Government climate action at the pace and scale needed to meet the net zero target, the evidence submission argues that governance structures must engage with and act upon context-specific societal views at multiple levels to overcome the net zero policy gap.
This webinar examined what is needed in terms of policy support, coordination and resources at the local and regional level to ensure meaningful action and systemic change. The event featured presentations from:
- Alison Mohr, independent researcher and adviser on energy systems governance (overview of net zero governance in the UK and consultation response)
- Mirjam Roeder, Aston University (global overview and community engagement)
- Joanna Sparks, Aston University (the role of researchers in influencing policy and inspiring action)
- Birmingham City Councillor Lisa Trickett, Places in Common (community action, engagement and the role of devolved power)
Presentations were followed by a panel discussion and Q&A, chaired by Rhiannon-Jane Raftery from Creating Climate Conscious Communities and Community Rail Network.