Supergen Bioenergy Hub rapid response funding call

We’re delighted to announce the launch of the Supergen Bioenergy Hub flexible funding call, offering rapid response funding to the UK bioenergy research community.

Rapid response funding is intended to support the UK’s bioenergy research community in responding to industrial and policy challenges that arise during the lifetime of the Hub and in developing active international research collaborations.

A total of £240,000 is available over the four-year lifetime of the Supergen Bioenergy Hub to support at least 12 projects that will rapidly enhance existing knowledge to facilitate industrial, policy or international impact.

Applications can be submitted for projects up to £25,000 in value, calculated under the full UK Research and Innovation economic costing model.

Proposals may be submitted at any time up to 1 May 2022.

For more details, please download the funding call and application form below.

Supergen Bioenergy Hub rapid response funding call

Please complete the demographics survey below and return it with your application. All details collected through the survey will be anonymised and treated confidentially.

Demographics survey

Anonymised applications

Supergen Bioenergy Hub adopts the ASPIRE strategy to encourage diversity in our applications and awards (Accessibility, Screening, Personal Invitation, Reflect and Empower). The awards are intended to empower researchers to develop and deliver impact with their research.

In line with our accessibility commitment, applications are welcomed from all UK academic and research staff regardless of age, career stage, contract status, etc. To minimise risks of bias in the process, we will screen reviewers from the names, departments and institutes of applicants.  However, a key focus of this call is developing effective industry, policy and international collaborations, so full details of all external partners should be given, and relevant institutional capability or experience can be described. It is understood that this may in some cases unavoidably identify an individual or institute, but we request that applicants abide by the spirit of this principle by focusing on the activity rather than the researchers. In addition, we emphasise that track record is not part of the assessment criteria.  If you have any queries in this respect, please contact Emma Wylde (

Submission deadlines

Proposals can be submitted at any time, but should be submitted by close of business on the Monday three weeks before a Core Management Group (CMG) meeting in order to be considered for funding at that meeting. Dates of upcoming CMG meetings are:

Tuesday 14 July
Tuesday 9 September
Tuesday 10 November
Tuesday 12 January

For more information on CMG meetings, please contact Emma Wylde (

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