Supergen Programme early career researchers cross-hub webinar
Tuesday 23 June, 10-11am BST, online (Zoom)
We are hosting our first in a new series of cross-hub webinars to allow early career researchers (ECRs) from all the Supergen hubs to connect and share their exciting projects. This will be a great chance to see what research is happening across the whole Supergen network and potentially find some new opportunities for cross-hub collaboration.
We have the following great speakers lined up to talk about their projects. Each will be giving a rapid presentation to get you up to speed on their exciting research area.
Katie Shanks (University of Exeter, Energy Networks)
Energy Independent Farms: Balancing Wind, Solar and Biomass Energy
Agota Mockute (University of Hull, Offshore Renewable Energy)
When waves tickle offshore wind turbines – challenges in predicting nonlinear wave-induced resonance on monopile-supported OWTs
Jorge Ordovas (Aston University, Bioenergy)
Construction of a model for the design of a rotary kiln for slow pyrolysis of biomass – GreenCarbon project
Alberto Bolzoni (The University of Manchester, Energy Storage)
Grid-scale battery storage: a path toward profitability
Tudur David (Bangor University, Supersolar)
Forecasting OPV performance and degradation using Machine Learning
Iñaki Erazo Damian (The University of Manchester, Energy Networks)
Control of a hybrid wind-diesel microgrid
Anna Garcia-Teruel (University of Edinburgh, Offshore Renewable Energy)
Design optimisation of wave energy converters
Nathan Skillen (Queens University Belfast, Bioenergy)
Photocatalysis in Bioenergy; finding its feet or a step too far?!
Hungyen Lin (University of Lancaster, Energy Storage)
Sensing with terahertz waves
Kezia Sasitharan (University of Sheffield, Supersolar)
Metal-organic nanosheets: A new dimension in solar cell research
Make sure you join to find out more about what is happening right now in energy research. To get the Zoom event login, please email
Please share with anyone you think might be interested.
About the Supergen hubs
Despite their vital importance to the UK’s energy sector, industry and society, there is no current whole systems approach to studying the interconnected and interdependent nature of energy network infrastructure and the challenges it faces. The Supergen Energy Networks Hub will establish a vibrant, well-connected, diverse, open and communicative energy networks community with a deeper understanding of whole systems approaches to energy networks.
The Supergen Offshore Renewable Energy Hub provides research leadership to connect academia, industry, policy and public stakeholders, inspire innovation and maximise societal value in offshore wind, wave and tidal energy.
The SuperSolar Hub is a complementary mix of researchers within the photovoltaics (PV) field in the UK, with internationally recognised expertise. By working together and engaging with industry, the SuperSolar Hub has played a crucial role in the development of perovskites as exciting Third Generation PV materials that are now on the cusp of commercial realisation.
Research within the Supergen Bioenergy Hub looks at the whole bioenergy chain, examining the characteristics and potential of different biomass and feedstocks, developing pre-treatment and conversion processes and identifying the best ways to deliver bioenergy. It also takes a holistic view of energy systems, assessing the role and impact of bioenergy on them and on related sectors. The hub’s research is underpinned by strong engagement with industry, policy and societal stakeholders.
The Supergen Energy Storage Network+ connects and serves stakeholders across the whole energy community, advancing and championing UK energy storage research and deployment. Driven by a multi-disciplinary investigator team and a well-established and growing base of expert members, Supergen Network+ will convene the energy storage community across discipline to enable it to grow, to flourish and to strengthen its leading position in the sector.