Two new articles about uncertainties in bioenergy
Mirjam Roeder and hub director Patricia Thornley have recently published two articles about uncertainties related to bioenergy in the Special Issue of the 22nd European Biomass Conference of the Journal for Biomass and Bioenergy.The article “How certain are greenhouse gas reductions from bioenergy? Life cycle assessment and uncertainty analysis of wood pellet-to-electricity supply chains from forest residues” show results from the SUPERGEN Bioenergy Hub project “Carbon uncertainties in the supply chain” which was done in collaboration with Carly Whittakerfrom Rothamsted Research. The research examined the combustion of wood pellets from forest residues to generate electricity and considered uncertainties related to GHG emissions arising at different points within the supply chain. The calculations showed in the best case results in GHG reductions of 83% compared to coal-fired electricity generation. When parameters such as different drying fuels, storage emission, dry matter losses and feedstock market changes were included the bioenergy emission profiles showed strong variation with up to 73% higher GHG emissions compared to coal.
The full article can be access here.
Another article “Handling uncertainty in bioenergy policy design – A case study analysis of UK and German bioelectricity policy instruments”, led by Alexandra Purkus from Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ examines implications of economic theory for handling cost and benefit uncertainty in bioelectricity policy design, focussing on choices between price and quantity instruments, technology differentiation, and policy adjustment. Findings are applied to two case studies, the UK’s Renewables Obligation and the German feed-in tariff/feed-in premium scheme. The results show the trade-offs that are involved in instrument choice and design – depending on political priorities and a country’s specific context, options can prove more adequate. The paper is an outcome of the research exchange between Tyndall Manchester and Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ.
The full article can be accessed here.