UK-India Bioenergy Deep Dive Online Workshops
We are delighted to announce a two-part series of Deep Dive Workshops for the UK-India Bioenergy research collaboration project on 11 & 17 March at 10am GMT/3.30pm IST.
These events form part of the UK-India Bioenergy scoping opportunity funded by UKRI, and follows a successful first online workshop attended by over 60 participants on 14 February 2022.
The Deep Dives will be held in two parts on 11 March (Part 1 – themed workshops) & 17 March (Part 2 – joint plenary) facilitated by experts in the field from the UK and India, covering the following points of discussion:
• the work already being done in both countries
• the remaining research challenges
• how the UK and India can collaborate in the future.
The workshops in Part 1 will cover the following themed areas which have been identified by stakeholders from the UK and India:
– Fermentation
– Anaerobic Digestion
– Rice & other residues
– Biorefineries and chemical,
– Waste and circular economy
– Rural opportunities, economics & policy
– Algal biofuels & biochemicals.
Participants will be asked to select their preferred themed area of interest and a second option, as well as being offered the opportunity to sign up to both Part 1 & Part 2 sessions during the registration process.
Register for your free place on our Eventbrite page here.
We look forward to working together with you on this journey of research collaboration and help shape the future of bioenergy in the UK and India!