World’s first 100% SAF-fuelled transatlantic flight

The world’s first 100% sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) transatlantic flight by a commercial airline took place on 28 November. Hub Director Patricia Thornley spoke to both local and national BBC news outlets about biofuels research and our work developing different SAF options to see how we can maximise emissions reductions and minimise costs. She also wrote and contributed to articles for Farnborough News and ENDS Waste and Bioenergy. Project lead Paula Blanco-Sanchez was interviewed by Riyadh Khalaf for BBC Morning Live and gave a SAF upgrading demonstration at the Energy and Bioproducts Resaearch Institute at Aston University (see photos from the day below).

Links to news appearances

BBC Morning Live (starts at 16:16)

BBC West Midlands (listen from 1:16:32)

Farnborough International News Network

ENDS Waste and Bioenergy (PDF available courtesy of ENDS: World’s first 100% SAF-fuelled plane crosses the Atlantic _ ENDS Waste & Bioenergy)

SAF research

Researchers from our partner institutions the University of Sheffield and Imperial College London worked together to test and assess the fuel for the flight. Our own research project looking at sustainable aviation fuel is led by Spiridon Siouris from the University of Sheffield. Find out more here.

Photos from BBC filming at EBRI



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