Bioenergy and waste gasification in the UK report: Barriers and research needs

Cooper, S.; Blanco-Sanchez, P.; Welfle, A.; McManus, M.

The Supergen Bioenergy Hub has published a state-of the-art report on the UK’s current waste gasification capability and research. This builds on industrial and policy needs identified by a number of stakeholders. Biomass and waste gasification is a versatile technology with the potential to supply low-carbon hydrogen, biomethane and the building blocks for a range of other fuels and chemical feedstocks. However, despite this potential, it has yet to see widespread use in the UK. Findings from the report may be used to determine the most effective ways to make gasification a plausible option for large-scale implementation, where future funding could be targeted, and to help develop roadmaps for energy policy.



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