Impact of feedstock parameters on airborne emission
To identify the key markers for emissions from biomass combustion.
This work will improve the understanding of the fundamental chemistry in biomass combustion, while also contributing to potential for long-term reductions in emissions levels and providing valuable input into developing wood standards and specifications.
The project will involve experimental work, including single particle and wick burner combustion tests, to quantify the sooting tendency of a variety of characterised biomass feedstocks, and their key sooting components. Attention will be focused on correlations between volatile matter content and measurement of yields of key soot-forming species. This will be combined with kinetic modelling to improve understanding of the mechanisms involved in pollutant formation. The impact of levels of K, S and Cl in the feedstock on levels of aerosol formation will also be investigated.
Leeds will lead the experimental work; Rothamsted will provide characterised samples and advise on feedstock variability from agronomic or processing options; Bath will evaluate the relative impact/importance of different pollutants; and, Manchester will evaluate the implications for the supply chain, including the cost-effectiveness of encouraging emission reductions via pre-treatment and the implications for growing energy crops on brownfield or contaminated land. Dalkia will participate as industrial partners, as they have particular interests in feedstock standards and technology matching.