Streamlining the supply chain
To define and quantify the material and energy losses along a selection of representative supply chains and propose improved practices to minimize these.
There is increasing recognition of the importance of supply chain losses and the impact they may have on overall system sustainability. However, little is known about the actual extent of losses, which supply chain steps are most important and the impacts of such losses, including on the greenhouse gas balance.
This project will evaluate a small number of supply chains (defined with input from RES), assess the potential for, and evidence base relating to, losses at each point and evaluate options to minimise these e.g. harvesting practices, comminution, drying and storage. Particular consideration will be given to the impact of heat/chemical treatments required to meet current UK import regulations.
The project will use quantification methods from a previous SUPERGEN project on losses in storage, but will critically identify key data gaps in our understanding of all systems losses and attempt to provide estimates of these as well as quantifying their impact on the overall greenhouse gas balances and wider system impacts. In some cases, identification of gaps may lead to proposals for additional further work.