Resources from Supergen Bioenergy Hub launch event 2023

14 November
Aston University, Birmingham

The agenda at our launch event for the new impact-focused Supergen Bioenergy Hub covered a wide range of research projects, partnership and funding opportunities, and stakeholder feedback and engagement.

Presentation slides and photos from the event are available below.

Session 1: Maximising bioenergy impact – chaired by Mirjam Roeder

Patricia Thornley, Aston University

Enabling delivery of bioenergy and bioproducts

Global indirect land-use change

Jason Hallett, Imperial

Incubation perspectives

Biomass fractionation for platform chemicals

Helen Sneddon, University of York

Diffusion perspectives

Bio-based and biodegradable chemicals

Joanna Sparks, Aston University

Implications of the UK Biomass Strategy

Session 2: Advanced technologies for bioenergy – chaired by Patricia Thornley

Michael Short, University of Surrey

Rapid digitalisation of bioenergy for higher efficiency and profit

Paula Blanco-Sanchez, Aston University

Hydrogen from biomass gasification

Jun Li, Strathclyde University

Hydrogen production via mediated electrolysis of biomass

Manosh Paul, University of Glasgow

Negative emissions from waste and hydrogen-BECCUS

Ruoyang Yuan, University of Sheffield

rDME production and utilisation for off-grid energy

Spiridon Siouris, University of Sheffield

Advancing bio-derived sustainable aviation fuels

Session 3: Cross-cutting projects – chaired by Jason Hallett

Rob Holland, University of Southampton

Scaling up feedstock production

Ian Watson, University of Glasgow

Improving scale-up efficiency and deployment speed for biorefineries

Mirjam Roeder, Aston University

Maximising sustainability trade-offs

Session 4: Opportunities to engage – chaired by Catriona Heaton, Rebecca Fothergill and Joanna Sparks

Catriona Heaton, Rebecca Fothergill and Joanna Sparks

Engaging with our stakeholders

Stakeholder mapping

Mirjam Roeder, Aston University

International engagement

Paula Blanco-Sanchez, Aston University; Zoe Harris, University of Surrey; and Sonia Heaven, University of Southampton

Introduction to IEA tasks

SHARE Committee

SHARE – our early career researcher network

Rebecca Rowe, UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology

Novel crops and forestry species for industrial biomass

Session 5: Stakeholder feedback session – chaired by Patricia Thornley

15:45 Gerard Davies, EPSRC and Colin Mines, BBSRC

Funders’ perspective

Mentimeter feedback session

Feedback session results